

*Making Ceramic Sculpture*
One of my friends joined Sculpture Studios - a dedicated space for teaching and making sculpture. They offer courses and workshops in small friendly classes to people of all levels of experience and ability. She said she was impressed an exhibition of ancient Egyptian artefacts from the sites of two lost cities found off the coast of Egypt six years ago.
Sculptures, tablets and everyday items are on display at the Egypt's Sunken Treasures exhibition in the museum.
They have never been on public view before.
The cities, Heraklion and Canopus, were thriving centres of business and religion for hundreds of years before being destroyed by earthquakes and tsunamis 1,300 years ago.
The cities were full of colossal statues, such as these of Egyptian god and goddess Osiris and Isis.
And I wanted to show you her art...
We all know that Figurative Sculptures set within tableaux reflect her search for serenity and the quiet moments when this inner state becomes apparent.
As a sculptor her intent is to convey a sense of the psychology of the female attribute and intuitive nature. The temporal quality of human existence is an underlying theme implicit in the choice of clay as a sculptural material. Contemplative in nature the sculptures combine sepia toned photo decal imagery with the female
*Woman in Ancient Egyptian Sculpture*
figure to picture memory and to indicate a sense of its timelessness.
Are you interested in Civilization?
Why did the ancient Egyptian civilization emerge in the Nile Valley?
Why did it last longer than the civilizations that came after it?
Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify the bodies of the deceased?
Why did the pharaohs build pyramids?
Who was Tutankhamun and how did he die?
As we approach the new millennium,
it is appropriate to look back in time to discover the origins of human culture.
Mysteries of Egypt takes us on a voyage that traverses the centuries,
with amazing views into the wonders of ancient Egypt.
Ancient Daily Life in Civilizations
Ancient Daily Life includes archaeological studies of how people lived in the past, what they ate, the houses they lived in, the tools they used. Here you'lll also find such methods of fishing and agriculture, writing and sailing, cities and farmsteads.