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or NEED a new white blouse ? I love, love, love these pieces.
They're super comfortable in the summer heat.
When starting to make a filet crochet,
you should always start with the ninth chain
on the first row from the hook.
This is the common way of starting a filet crochet.
There is a whole world of knitting out there,
and we are only limited by our imagination and belief in ourselves.
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I crocheted these for my daughters as usual,
thinking hot (^_^) summer days.
Today computers have become an indispensible part of
our daily lives.
This is so because they have several vital advantages.
Obviously one very important advantage is that
they are utterly reliable.

Another major one is that they are great time-savers for searching new projects about crochet...
It is fun to visit blogs that have linked to mine, and see projects knitters are doing and what changes they have made to make the project their own. Yarns used or changes made in edgings, shaping, or other details. Sometimes, I will google a design to see what people are doing.
I have come across some very interesting blogs that way.
Take Care,