You can participate by helping to reduce pet homelessness and euthanasia. Prevent a litter by spaying or neutering your own pets before they have a chance to reproduce. Kittens just four months old are sexually mature and can become pregnant. Cats caring for a litter of kittens can become pregnant while they are still nursing. If your pet is already sterilized, consider sponsoring a friend’s or neighbor’s pet. Educate your family and friends on the importance of spaying/neutering their pets.
Light a candle at dusk and join millions of people around the world to memorialize the animals that have lost their lives because there were not enough good homes and also pay tribute to the selfless people who devote their lives to stop the tragic tide of animal cruelty and abuse.
Do you want to try these patterns
for your cats?
I found them
I found them
but didn't try,