

Nowadays young girls prefer crocheted accessories.
These earrings are for my dear daughters...
They like to wear colored flowers and
also fruits like some cherries.
Do you think to crochet one for yourself ???
These are all for
my dear Angels...

HERE two sisters are having FUN !

Even though they are all grown up, I still sometimes look at them

and see them as cute little girls smiling from ear to ear.


I'd shot a few more photos that week in the past.
Their most serious food incident was eating cake!
I was not expecting any of my photos to be scanned,
but now thinking to take old pictures
in their frames and try to post my page.
Also remembered, my sewing machine had arrived thatday!
I'd got some fabric and thread at Fabrics
when I was in Antalya over the weekend.
that present was a huge step for me!


Jodie said...

Those earling are gorgeous... I love crochet and am so glad that it's making a come back..

Jodie :)

Anonymous said...

Kizlariniz resimlerde cok tatli cikmislar allah guzel kismetler,sagliklar basarilar versin insallah ikisinede.
Mino da ayni Dolma gibi :))
Dolmada hic is yaptirmaz gelir tam ortasina oturu yapacagim isin :)) Yani onu birak beni sev diyor hic bikmaz sevilmekten aksama kadar kafasini kasi kulaklarini kasi sessizce yatar masajinin tadini cikartir :))

Sevgiler size ve kizlariniza..
Dolmada minoyu opuyor :))

teste said...

Obrigada por me visitar, lindos brincos , lindas meninas, beijos

one ben bir sey said...

Minecim ,
Kızlarınız çok tatlı allah bağışlasın,keke bende dayanamıyorum değil ki çocuklar mmmmm,küpeler çok güzel olmuş hele kiraz lı çokkk şirin pisi pisiye gelince gelsemde sevsem onu çünkü I am a cat addict :)))

Pandia's Fair said...

allahim alllahim su simsim'in sikerline bakin yahu yerim yerim onu ben :() o zamanlar kucuktuk gozumuz cizgifilm den ve pastada baska bisii gormuyodu ama simdi gel gorkiii bu resimlerde yiceem tek bisi varsa o da dunyalar guzeli kardesim :)
annem cok operim seni..

Admin said...

minecim yirim ben bu sekerleri, cok tatlilar coook, allah bizlere onlarin daha guzel gunlerini gormeyi kismet etsin. her ikisininde hayatta basarilarinin ve mutluluklarinin daim olmasini dilerim canim.
cok selam ve sevgiler...